Mineral Makeup and Bismuth Oxychloride

1:29 PM

Mineral makeup is becoming ever popular as we become more and more conscious of what we are putting onto our skin and bodies. Because of this increased awareness people are asking more questions. And one of the most popular questions is about the ingredient bismuth oxychloride. Women want to know what it is and why it is in so many brands of mineral cosmetics.

There are a lot of almost facts and half- truths flying around out there. In this article we'll learn what bismuth oxychloride is, where it comes from, why it is used, and if makeup with it as an ingredient is a good choice for you.

Bismuth is the by-product of lead and copper refining, as well as other metals to a smaller degree. Bismuth occurs very rarely in nature. It is on the periodic table of elements under the symbol Bi at atomic number 83. It is very heavy and chemically resembles arsenic and antimony. It has a whitish/iridescent hue and has a very high shine property to it. Of all the heavy metals it is the only non-toxic. Bimsuth is a carrier for fuel in nuclear reactors. Bismuth components are used in everything from detection work, to making acrylic fibers, to safety devices in fire detection and extinguishing items, soldering, magnets and medicine as well as cosmetics. Because it is a by-product of lead refining, bismuth oxychloride should be lead free when companies begin using it in their cosmetics.

Companies use this in their cosmetics because it is cheap to buy and is an inexpensive filler. It does have binding qualities, so the makeup will stick to your skin, so to speak. There are other products that are just as effective at adhesion, and are better for your skin. Because of its molecular make up, it is often viewed as shiny or pearlescent. It is often sold in these two varieties. This makes it highly refractive, which is something companies want. Refraction will camouflage fine lines, wrinkles and discolorations. If you use a brand with bismuth oxychloride you'll notice a shiny look after applying the makeup. Not like oiliness, but almost shimmery. That's the bismuth oxychloride.

It's a very heavy element, which makes it difficult for many people to wear. It has to be forced into the pores (hence the buffing technique) otherwise it is capable of sliding off the wearer's face. The heaviness can result in clogged pores or irritated skin. Bismuth oxychloride often feels silky and not rough when rubbed between the fingers. Mineral makeup companies that do not use it have a lighter feeling makeup that usually blends into the skin better and with less effort.

Its molecular makeup is a crystalline shape, which may be a cause of the itchiness some women get when they wear it. Many women experience noticeable itching when they sweat. Don't forget it is also kin to arsenic, chemically. Your body will reject things it does not like, and if you'll get sick from ingesting arsenic, it would make sense that your skin would get irritated from having arsenic forced into it.

So, if you find you're experiencing some problems with your current mineral makeup and it contains bismuth oxychloride, you may want to consider switching brands. Many women experience skin irritation when using mineral makeup and don't know why. It's likely that bismuth oxychloride is the reason.

Lynn is the proprietor of Beauty Bliss Mineral Cosmetics at http://www.beautyblisscosmetics.com as well as http://www.ultimate-skin-care-tips.com

Natural Skin Care Tips: 10 Skin Care Tips Women Must Know (Part 1)

8:02 PM

Right eating habits and the right natural care can do wonders for your looks and health. Here are some precious natural skin care tips which will make your skin glow round the clock.

1) Glowing Facial Mask: Having a tough time keeping your skin glowing? Well, here is an easy way to keep the radiance on your face intact. All you need is: a tbsp fuller's earth. 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp mashed papaya. Mix all these ingredients and put on face for 20 minutes then rinse off.

2) Gentle facial cleanser: Take a 1/2 cup of oatmeal or cornmeal and plain yoghurt (add enough yoghurt to form a paste). For a gentle facial cleanser, mix the ingredients, smooth over the entire face avoiding eye area. Wash off with warm water. Oatmeal is highly absorptive, hypoallergenic, and helps to soften skin. Oats have the best amino acid balance of all the cereal grains (amino acids work as water-binding agents in skin care products). Oats have also been clinically shown to help heal dry, itchy skin.

3) Hair Spray: Chop one lemon(or an orange for dry hair). Place in a pot with two cups water. Boil until half of the initial amount remains. Cool, strain, and place in a spray bottle. Store in refrigerator. If it is too sticky, add more water. Add one ounce of alcohol as a preservative and thenthe spray can be stored for up to two weeks unrefrigerated.

4) Hair Cocktail:

. For instant shine: Lightly beat two eggs mixed with some milk and run throuigh your hair. Leave on for five minutes, rinse and you will see a shine instantly.

. For Dandruff: Dissolve two aspirins in your dandruff shampoo and watch how it clears up. Use a good moisturizing conditioner afterward.

. For greasy hair: Use face powder. Put a little at the root of your hair before straying. If it is a serious problem, put the powder on heavily for 15 minutes wash completely, condition lightly, and style.

. Sweet shine: Honey applied in a small amount while washing the hair will give you a great shine.

5) Blackheads removal: Combine one fourth cup boiling water with one teaspoon of Epsom salt and three drops of Iodine. Let mixture cool until it's comfortable to the touch. Saturate a cotton ball with this mixture and dab on blackheads. This will allow the black heads to loosen so they can be easily squeezed with a gauze pad. Remember to apply a moisturiser soon after.

Hungry for more? Look out for more such natural skin care tips which can do wonders to your skin at http://www.weightloss-health.com/skin%20care%20treatment%20tips.htm

Ashley Green: for http://weightloss-health.com/ your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get more informative skin care tips and anti-aging tips and treatment at Anti Aging Skin Care(Tips) Treatment and Products

Mineral Makeup: A Natural Sunscreen

7:56 PM

Mineral makeup is the thing to wear this summer if you're looking for an all natural makeup with safe and effective sunscreen. The fact is that two of the main ingredients in mineral makeup are natural sunscreens that not only reflect light but protect your skin from harmful and cancer causing UV rays.

The ingredients, Titanium dioxide and Zinc oxide, both natural and very safe minerals are found in almost every sunscreen on the market. Titanium dioxide is so effective because of it's ability to reflect light. It has one of the highest refractive indexes in the world at (n=2.4). In fact this refractive index is surpassed by only one other mineral in the world-diamond.

Titanium dioxide is also inorganic so it keeps the skin from gathering moisture that could feed bacteria and cause or worsen acne. This is great news for acne sufferers looking for an effective makeup and sunscreen product that won't worsen their condition.

The second natural sunscreen mineral in mineral makeup is zinc oxide. Zinc oxide was not chosen as an ingredient because of it's sunscreen qualities however, it was chosen for it's vast array of colors and indeed is elimental in providing a large array of colors for makeup artists to work with when formulating different foundaitons, blushes, and eyeshadows.

Zinc oxide is a natural UV blocker just as titanium dioxide is. It also has the same very water resistant quality of titanium dioxide and wards of bacteria. Zinc oxide is as widely used in sunscreen lotions as titanium dioxide. These two elements together give most brands of mineral makeup an spf of 15.

Sure, almost any sunscreen touting makeup you buy has these minerals in it, so what's the big deal? For acne and rosescea sufferers, believe me it's a big deal. Mineral makeup is known world wide as the skin care makeup because no matter what skin care conditions you may suffer from it is a makeup that is totally safe for your skin. Recommended around the world by dermatologists and plastic surgeons it is actually so pure that you can sleep in it without worrying about acne flair ups or any adverse reaction.

Talc based makeups, although they may contain these two natural sunscreen minerals also have other additives such as dies, chemicals and oils. Talc itself is organic and can help feed bacteria which worsens acne and rosascea. Almost all makeup on the market is talc based. Another drastic difference is the way mineral makeup is processed and worn.

Minerals used in the makeup are finely milled until they are too fine to clog pores. Talc is not milled this fine and it can clog pores worsening or causing skin problems. If you're looking for a sunscreen makeup that is natural and safe mineral makeup is definately the way to go.

Find more Mineral Makeup information at http://www.bare-mineral-makeup.info Get the facts, ingredients, and benefits as well as advice about which brands are the best.

The Healing Properties of Green Tea

2:48 PM

The healing properties of greeen tea have put it in the forefront of today's wellness news.

Known for its versatile and positive properties benefiting the whole body, it promotes blood circulation and increases the body's natural resistance, helping with oxygenation.

Proponents of green tea claims it achieves greater harmony and improves the body's ability to handle the external physical and psycological pressures of life.

Green tea also prevents tooth decay and make teeth more resistant to acids, promote digestion and cleanse the body internally.

Unlike black tea, which oxidizes as it dries, changing the characteristics of the tea, green tea is flash-steamed for about 20 seconds to retain the maximum amount of active properties.

Green tea contains vitamin B, as well as C and E. Many tea drinkers say that they actually feel less tired and brightens their whole outlook.

Mina Dimakis-Lev is an skincare specialist and professional makeup artist for the past 13 years. Her expertise in sincare and makeup followed by writing articles on how to take care of your skin, body,and applying makeup like an expert.


Certified Organic Skin Care vs. Natural Skin Care

1:11 PM

As you walk through today?s health and natural food grocery stores you will find an extensive selection of ?natural? skin and body care products. These products will range from toothpaste and deodorant to cosmetics, lotion, and hair care. It seems that many of the companies providing these products are striving to promote their products as ?natural? since today?s consumers seem to have a preference towards any product labeled ?natural?. This definitely makes sense because really who would walk up and purchase a bottle that says ?loaded with silicone derivatives? or ?extra carcinogens?.

Now you?re thinking no one in there right mind would do this right. I mean who goes to the store and actually tries to buy a skin care product that will cause their body damage. Actually most people these days do exactly that, unknowingly of course as they aren?t aware of the toxic ingredients in the product of their choice. What people need to start realizing is that not every company that throws the word natural on their product really cares about the ingredients being truly natural. If you do a little research on the ingredients in skin care the information is alarming as you find that many skin care products contain carcinogens and other toxic ingredients. Check out a website called skin deep for more information on what is in your skin care.

Aren?t skin care products supposed to be helping your body not hurting it? Yes, they are but unfortunately that isn?t the case with all of the products available. This is where certified organic skin and body care products come in. When they are certified organic they have to meet strict requirements by the certifying body and are very safe for the consumer. Certified organic skin care products are made up of ingredients you can actually read and understand such as avocado oil and safflower oil not six syllable words that don?t mean a thing to you. This way you actually know what you are feeding your skin rather than just hoping it works because the company that made it claims it will.

When you go to purchase a ?natural? product be sure to research the company producing it. Find out what their stand is on ingredients such as silicone derivatives and the like are. See if there focus is on a toxin free line of skin care or just one that smells good etc. There are wonderful certified organic skin care products available so don?t settle for some supposedly natural junk when you can have the best available for your skin.

Erika Juhas is the owner of Kalista Organics. She offers extensive information regarding the organic lifestyle on her website. Primarily she represents an organic line of skin and body care products that will contribute to eliminating toxic chemicals from your body.

Splitting Hairs What Can You Do About Split Ends

12:20 PM

Isn't it a shame when you have to worry about covering split ends (or trichoptlosis)-the bane of every self- respecting woman's life! They happen when the protective cuticle has been stripped away from the ends of hair fibers. Split ends are more likely to develop in dry or brittle hair, and typical causes of damage include excessive dying or vigorous brushing.

Once the hair cuticle is removed, it is impossible to replace. Typically, the hair splits into two or three strands, and can be as long or two to three centimeters in length. The best treatment is to cut off the split end of the damaged fiber.

But you don't necessarily have to go to the salon every week to keep your split ends in check. Back in the sixties and seventies, women used to burn off their split ends! Sure that's a little excessive. And there are easier ways to get rid of those dead ends before they split further... do-it-yourself hair trims.

These do-it-yourself trimming tips are for women who are happy with their hair; for those who don't need a restyle, but simply want to freshen things up with a 'homegrown' sort of look. If you are in any doubt, leave it for the professionals!

To Remove Split Ends:

* Take small sections of hair and carefully twist them in a gentle downward motion. Any split ends will automatically stick out.

* Carefully snip into the twist with sharp scissors. Don't cut right through; just cut into the thickness to remove the damaged cuticles and give a natural layered effect.

* Be careful to cut roughly the same amount from each twist. Remember, sometimes the simplest, and least expensive, ideas are the best. So get trimming! You'll not only save a bundle but also time that will ease your life.

Discover all you ever wanted to know about hair. Latest hair styles, new hair loss treatments, best methods of hair removal. Click for daily updated blog of hair news and articles. http://www.hair-unexpurgated.com/

Makeup Bag Secrets of the Celebrities

10:27 AM

Have you ever wondered why celebrities seem to look gorgeous no matter where they are and no matter what the moment? Are they prettier than the rest of us so it?s easy for them? Not at all ? they are just smarter about what their makeup bag holds. Read on for makeup bag secrets of the celebrities.

Celebrities will tell you having their makeup at their fingertips is their number one priority and it should be for every woman. That?s not to say you have to pack around 50 pounds of makeup. Just a tube of lipstick can do a lot to freshen your face. Actresses like Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Anniston, or Angelina Jole will all tell you that the ultimate makeup bag is really no secret at all.

You can buy fashionable and trendy makeup bags ranging in size from compact to purse size so even your makeup back can make a fashion statement. But lets face it. It?s what we put in it the makeup bag that really counts. And why is it no matter what size your makeup bag is, it seems to be too small or the makeup you most need at the moment doesn?t appear to have made it into the bag? It?s time solve that problem by putting together the makeup bag of the celebrities with all their secrets.

Your makeup bag is really a matter of your personal taste. Choose one that grabs your attention, fits your personality and fits your purse. There?s no sense buying a huge makeup bag when you pack a tiny purse. You can buy discount bags for as little as $5.00 or designer makeup bags for as much as $100.00.

The Celebrity makeup bag is based on the assumption that your makeup bag is small to medium in size. For those that have a tinier bag you?ll have to choose which items to remove. For those packing a large bag, add all the extras that will fit. The celebrities tell us the most important thing you need to put in your bag is a small double sided compact mirror. You can purchase a nice size travel mirror complete with protective cover for around $5.00.

The next most important tool for the celebrities are the makeup brushes. Make sure you have a blush and eyeshadow brush in your bag. Or you can purchase a compact set of miniature brushed for around $10.00. That will ensure you?ll have every brush you need. Now to the makeup. Jennifer Aniston says your foundation or powder is the absolute most essential makeup bag requirement. If the original container is too large, then purchase a compact bottle or transfer some to an after market container that seals well. Angela Jole won?t leave home without her favorite lipstick. Pick only one or your bags going to get full too fast. Remember your building a compact version of your real makeup case. You can add a lip gloss if you like. Eyeshadow is also a must have for touchup. Choose a palette of colors you can wear or use anytime. There is no good way to pack a variety of colors, so it?s best to choose your most reliable colors. And for heavens sake don?t? forget to add mascara and eyeliner.

According to the stars you also need to make sure you have your blush. Now this can be a bit trickier because the containers are a bit big. Best to look for a flat compact style blush. To keep you fresh, you can also add some prepackaged facial cleansing cloths, a travel toothbrush and toothpaste, and a travel size deodorant.

That?s it, you know now the makeup bag secrets of the celebrities . All the basics, to get you through the day and have you looking gorgeous. So what was the big secret?

Sher from Estate Jewelry International have been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

Permanent Cosmetics Looking Your Best All the Time

4:43 PM

Permanent cosmetics, also known as cosmetic tattooing, is becoming increasingly popular over the use of conventional make up. The techniques used are often referred to as micropigmentation, micropigment implantation or dermagraphics. The implantation is a deposit of tiny individual implants of pigment or vegetable-based dye into the top layer of the skin. The benefits to those wanting a feature definition or scar camouflage are huge!

These cosmetic procedures are performed using different kinds of machinery such as the traditional tattoo or coil, the pen or rotary and the non-machine or hand method.

The process includes the initial consultation and application, and then one or two follow up visits for adjusting the shape and color or density of the pigment.

Those Who Benefit

?anyone who wants to enhance their appearance
?following surgery or an injury
?loss of hair including eyebrows and/or eyelashes
?vitiligo those who may have lost their pigment to areas of skin
?physically active people who don't want to worry about sweating off or reapplying cosmetics
?those who can?t wear cosmetics because of allergies or sensitivities
?the vision impaired
?the motor impaired with unsteady hands
?entertainers, actresses, and models
?mothers and other busy professionals who can?t find the time

What Can Be Done?

?eyebrows, proper placement will open up the eyes
?eyeliner, top and bottom - can be used to help reshape the eye
?eyelash - making them thicker and fuller
?lipliner and full lip color - redefinition of an irregular line; restoration if fading has occurred
?beauty marks

Is it Really Permanent?
These actions are considered permanent because the coloring is set and cannot be washed off. However, fading can occur, so periodic maintenance is required. Consider this and all other aspects when choosing a technician.

Some factors that can negatively influence the longevity of these cosmetics are the sun?s UV rays and tanning booths, some drugs, excessively dry skin, and smoking. Stay away from Alpha- hydroxy, Retin-A, and glycolic acids because these kinds of substances slough away top layers of skin and eventually the implants will be affected.

How Much Does it Cost?
These cosmetic procedures are commonly known as para-medical. If work is performed in a physician's office or in specialized clinics the rates may be higher. However, the cost should not be the most important issue but rather the training and skill of the technician and the client?s confidence.

How Long Does it Take?
It will generally take 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours with much less time for the follow-up.

Is it Painful?
This is invasive so there may be some discomfort but will vary according to the individual and to the skills of the technician. A topical anaesthetic can be used if needed. There may be a small amount of bleeding but the area is washed at the end of the process and antiseptic cream applied.

Is It Safe?
Visit the location where this is to be done. Look for all materials including needles, machine parts and supplies to be kept in a sanitary manner. Gloves should be worn, workers clean and neat, fresh drapery used for the patient and the room tidy and free from any contaminants.

Regardless of all precautions understand that an allergic reaction could occur at any time so testing may be done by request.

What If I Don't Like It?
Although this type of cosmetics is permanent, there is a flexibility to change color and shape somewhat, depending on the expertise of the technician. There are some methods for removing tattoos including laser treatments, abrasion, and surgery. But there are side issues such as many visits, cost and possibly a change of color to a less desirable shade.

Take note that colors initially will appear darker but will lighten during the healing which takes about a week or longer depending on the individual and the procedure.

Choosing a Technician
Consider the training, experience, and do look at photographic testimonials. Remember that the shape and proper placement is as important as the correct coloring. The desired result is discussed at the first visit. It is important that at all times there be interaction between both parties. You do not want to live with someone else?s mistake.

Caution - if it is necessary at some time that you undergo a diagnostic procedure known as a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), a burning sensation may occur and there may be some swelling in the areas that have been colored. It is not harmful but can be uncomfortable for a short time. The pigments can interfere with the image acquired by the scan. Do inform the radiologist so that this can be taken care of.

The New You
This new look can enhance your life! Wake up to perfectly applied makeup every day. Join actress Joanna Kerns, Donald Trump, former Miss America Mary Ann Mobley and soul-rocker James Brown, to name a few.

Not for You? Consider Semi Permanent
Now that you have reflected on this type of cosmetics maybe there are second thoughts. So here are some other things to think about. The Magic Stylo pen is a perfect alternative or it can be used in addition to the permanent cosmetics for a ?touch up?. It is a long lasting (8 ? 24 hours) semi-permanent pigment and smudge-proof.

?be sure to apply to dry, clean skin
?always cap the pen after each use
?apply to extend lips and use before lipstick
?apply to eyebrows to create a natural look
?will clog around eye shadow, lotions, and lipsticks if not used correctly

If the pen clogs, gently clean the tip with a small alcohol pad. Then, give a little shake for the liquid to flow to the tip again.

How it Works
It soaks into the skin rather than ?cake? on top thus creating a more natural look. Doesn?t rub off and is ?kiss-proof?. It can be removed easily with any makeup remover.

Check out brand names such as Revlon, Max Factor and Clinique who advertise lasting performance cosmetics.

Finish the Day Free Of Cosmetics
At the end of the day do remove all traces of makeup, leaving your face clean and fresh for the night.

There is so much to learn about our skin, its care, all the products that are out there and how best to look and feel good. This goes a long ways to helping our self-esteem and building confidence in ourselves. We can do a minimum skincare regime of cleaning our skin, to using daily rituals of moisurizing and toning; using makeup or going for permanent cosmetics. We trust that we have some good information available on our sites. Look for us at http://www.perfume-n-cologne-shop.com or http://www.skin-care-n-cosmetics.com

Testimonials on Permanent Makeup

10:15 PM

Testimonials on Permanent Makeup

I first thought about getting permanent eyeliner because I had problems with getting it on and getting it to stay on. I was very nervous about having something ?permanent? done. But I went ahead and looked into it. I went on line and found several web sites on permanent make up. Nancy?s web site was the best I saw, she had a lot of before and after photos, and several great credentials listed. I called Nancy and she was very informative and I could tell she knew what she was talking about. Nancy made me feel comfortable with my decision to get permanent eyeliner. (She told me I would love it, and I do!)

I loved her work and the way she worked so much that I wanted to get my lips colored. Nancy helped me to decide on a good lip color for my skin and now I don?t even need to wear lipstick! Nancy again did an awesome job!

Well there was only one thing left, my brows. I was a bit nervous about having my brows done, but I trusted Nancy?s work. I now have my brows done, and of course they look great.

I can?t say enough about how happy I am with all three procedures, and the way Nancy spends her time to do it right and how you like it. I am constantly bragging to everyone about Nancy and how much I love my permanent make up! I would recommend Nancy for permanent make up to anyone who wants to look good all the time!

Tami in Huntington Beach, CA

I love my new permanent makeup. I now have the choice of not having to add makeup if I don't feel like it. I was always so self conscience about having no brows (plucked them out when I was a teenager and they never grew back). The eyeliner enhanced my eyes and makes my eyes look so natural. I actually feel younger and look younger!

Nancy is very patient and stops very often during the procedure so you can see how it's coming along. She is very conscientious about having everything clean and sterile. Initially there is a little discomfort but it goes away after the topical is applied. She is thorough when explaining the procedure so you know what she will be doing and it makes you feel more at ease.

E.M.in Newport Beach, CA

When I set out to produce a show about spa living, I knew one of the segments would have to be about permanent make-up. I scoured the Web and found a plethora of artists...especially in the Los Angeles and Orange County areas. I decided I would choose an artist by using a single criterion: Who would I choose to work on me? When I found alwayslookyourbest.com, I was impressed with the professionalism portrayed through the site. The ?before and after? pictures were believable. The explanations were understandable. And mostly, Nancy?s credentials were impressive. After speaking on the phone, I knew I had the right person for the segment. On the day of the shoot, Nancy and her subject showed up early and prepared. She was accommodating and professional. The segment went perfectly, shot in only one take. And perhaps most importantly, the procedure Nancy performed looked great!

David Winter
Executive Producer
WinterMedia, Inc.

Looks great!! This is the only way to describe the transformation from no color and constant daily attention of applying eyeliner. I LOVE THE RESULTS!! The process was time efficient and relatively painless. Nancy was very cautious about the delicate area of the eyes. She constantly asked if I was feeling any discomfort. Have recommended several friends and business associates to her. Like some many things, I wish I had done this years ago. My only regret is that I can't give blood for one year. The American Red Cross still has a rule on tattoo's. Somehow the medical reasons for permanent makeup and tattoo's on the rest of the body do not equate in my mind. Nancy's business is conducted in an office environment with the cleanliness of any medical facility. Don't hesitate to have permanent make-up!!

KH Newport Beach, CA

My name is Pamela, a 44-year old resident of Long Beach, who contacted Nancy LaTouche in late 2002 to solicit her help in trying to reverse facial scars created by a dermabrasion surgery. Having paid thousands of dollars for dermabrasion surgery to improve my skin, and ending up with horrific, indented scars, you can imagine my outrage and depression as I labored to find solutions to this unexpected debacle. The doctor who scarred me was of no help, in fact, he refused to even address the matter with me. Hence, I was left to my own devices to try and find scar revision techniques.

One such technique is that of needling, wherein the scar tissue is needled numerous times with the type of small needles used in permanent makeup artistry. In researching this technique, I found Nancy's website on line, and was immediately impressed by her thoroughness and professionalism. I called Nancy to explain my situation, and was humbled by her compassionate response and willingness to devote her time and expertise in trying to help me. Nancy explained that she had not, personally, performed needling (in fact, most such professionals have not done so), yet she jumped in with both feet to research the matter, emailed knowledgeable contacts, and invested long hours in studying this matter.

We eventually met at her offices for a test run in needling several scars. Nancy had read up on numerous articles and documents about this technique, so as to be well versed in its application. She spent a good 2 hours meeting with me and performing the test run, all the while demonstrating the utmost in professionalism, care and concern. Despite her many hours devoted to my problem, Nancy charged me only a fraction of her usual fee. She has since been in touch regularly to check up on my healing and progress, and continues to offer leads into scar revision techniques for me.

I cannot say enough about the care, professionalism and expertise demonstrated by Nancy LaTouche, and feel blessed to have met this exceptional woman.

Pamela A. in Long Beach, cA


Nancy is Board Certified by the American Academy of Micropigmentation, a member in good standing with the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals and is current writing a book on what she learned in permanent makeup to be published on her website around March 2005. See http://www.alwayslookyourbest.com for more information, before and after photos and much, much more!

Foundation Makeup: Should You Use Liquid or Powder?

2:14 PM

Foundation makeup is the key to whether your makeup will look good or bad. The application of a foundation will help to smooth out your skin tone, conceal blemishes and give you a more healthy glow. Applying makeup without a foundation base can actually enhance unsightly skin problems, rather than conceal them. But before you head out to the store, here are some basic rules that should be followed when making your product selection.

How Do I Choose A Foundation Makeup Base?

First, you need to select the correct color for your skin tone. Often times, people choose foundations that are either too light - making them look pale and washed out - or too dark - which often leaves a line of makeup between the jaw and neck. Generally, you will look like you're wearing a mask. The foundation color that you choose must blend in with your natural skin tone.

Also keep in mind that your skin tone color will change with the seasons. In the summer, you will most likely need a slightly darker foundation color, as your skin will tan somewhat (even if you don't purposely suntan - you still need to go outside sometimes.) In the winter your skin will lighten again back to its original tone and you should use your natural base color foundation makeup.

Deciding Between Liquid and Powder Foundations

The next decision is to determine whether you would prefer powder foundation or liquid foundation makeup. This tends to be more personal choice, although there are pros and cons to both types.

Most women seem to prefer the liquid foundation base. It appears to be quicker and much easier to apply. As well, once blended into the skin, liquid foundation makeup appears more natural and lighter, giving the skin a smooth, even appearance. However, how it is applied can also make a difference. Applying too much will cause streaks and spots that look heavier then others on your skin. Using a makeup sponge rather than using a fingers can help a lot with creating a smooth, even appearance. Apply a small amount of liquid foundation at a time and blend in carefully.

Another advantage of a liquid foundation is that it absorbs into the skin rather than sitting on top of it, so you get a more natural skin tone appearance. It also comes in a variety of bases to suit women with dry skin, normal skin, oily skin, combination skin, and sensitive skin types.

Powder foundations are a less popular choice, but can work just as well as liquid foundation makeup. It's easy to apply and there is less blending involved. They are also great for people that have very oily skin, as the powder will soak up the oil and prevent a greasy appearance. You can also carry a compact powder case with you on days when you need to do a slight touch up to your makeup or on days that are hot and humid, to rid your face of shine.

A slight problem with powders, however, is that they can look like they are caked on your face if applied to heavily or after a couple of hours in warm weather. They also tend to rub off on clothes easier since the powder sits on top of your skin.

Another Choice: Liquid-Powder Foundations

Liquid-powder foundation combinations are another choice that is gaining in popularity. The foundation makeup comes in a compact, much like powder bases, but contains a somewhat creamy mixture. Application of this foundation gives a smooth appearance, like a liquid, with the absorption benefits of a powder. However, you have to be careful when applying this type of foundation, since a heavy hand will give you a caked appearance. Like liquids, the key is to apply it lightly and blend well. This combination is not the best for people with dry skin as it will also give you a patchy skin appearance. Choose this type of product if you have normal to oily skin.

If this is the first time you are going to buy a foundation, you should visit a make-up counter that allows you to try out the various products or seek out a professional make-up artist to help you with your selection. For those that have problem skin, such as severe acne breakouts, you should visit a dermatologist first. They can help you with making a wiser choice on the type of foundation makeup would work best, plus provide you with other skin care options to help clear up underlying problems.

Remember, the best makeup techniques start with a good foundation that is appropriate for your skin type and skin tone. Be smart and take the time to research what is out there before spending money on any product. You'll be happy you did.

About the Author:

Rose Smith owns TotalBeautyTips.com. Learn you how to enhance your own natural beauty using a variety of makeup techniques, skin care advice, and products designed to make your total body feel smooth, soft and fabulous. Visit Total Beauty Tips today.

Makeup For Acne Scars! Where Effective Cosmetic Products Camouflage Scars Not Your Life

7:06 PM

Are you dropping out of society due to experiencing scars after acne breakouts? Are you searching for quality makeup for acne scars to help you blend your skin imperfections, and to also eliminate any future blemishes?

If your answer is yes to the questions above, then let me help you find the best cosmetic scar treatments that will allow you to get back out into the world, and enjoy your life the way you deserve to!

Nowadays, there are many advanced makeup products such as camouflage makeup specially designed for scars, and are widely offered by professional online skincare suppliers. These special skin products help you positively conceal such physical imperfections, such as scars, hyper pigmentation, rosacea, burns, and dark freckles to name a few.

If you happen to suffer from any of these conditions listed above, you?re not alone, and this is why quality acne cosmetics and scar treatments have been designed specially for you to help you in your current condition.

Now You Can Get The Scar Coverage You Need, Custom Made For You!

With treatment makeup, many of these uniquely designed scar products give you a large array of colors to choose from, helping match your skin tone perfectly, thus offering you that custom looking facial skin color blend. You pick 2-3 shades, and unify these colors together for that natural cosmetics look, and quality finishing touch!

The specially created Camouflage makeup products are made with mineral pigments that are fragrance and oil free, so it does not irritate your skin. The best thing is that the finish looks flawless, and your complexion will have virtually no signs of visible acne scars.

Don?t ever think that you?re the only one that has facial scars in this world! You would be surprised and amazed on how many of your favorite celebrities, and athletes have the same scar condition as you. This is the main reason why top quality scar cosmetics have been created, and when you?re under the camera and public microscope, these stars don?t want to take any chances of exposing their skin condition to their fans.

With that in mind, you can now take advantage of these quality skincare makeup products as well, and you don?t have to settle for the over-the-counter generic items that give you that caked on look, and do not properly blend away your scars. In most cases these retail products end up enhancing the look of your scar, rather than blending them.

You may notice that the prices on these products are a little higher than your retail store generic makeup products, but when you actually try them, you will understand why, and also realize that these uniquely designed scar care makeup items easily available to you online, are created for you in mind, and will eventually allow you to get your life back, by feeling comfortable in the public eye again!

About the author: William is the owner and the author of ?1st In Acne Skin Care Products? available at http://www.1st-in-acne-skin-care-products.com A great source for Acne Scar Makeup! Find information and tips on finding quality scar makeup products, facial cleansers, and many pure detoxifying products that will not only help you prevent facial scarring, but also aid in getting rid of your stubborn acne blemishes, that are the major cause and development of your scars.

Acne And Makeup Proper Techniques To Hide Your Acne With Makeup

12:47 PM

Acne is of course a very disturbing and upsetting condition, but there are ways to help you to conceal the scars and pimples that are caused by this naturally occurring skin blemish. Makeup is a favorite choice of many people to hide their acne. One of the most important things to consider when choosing makeup to cover acne is that it is appropriate for the condition. Acne can be made worse by makeup that contains oil and so it is best to choose a brand that does not contain any. If you are not sure which is the best to choose, then it is recommended to get some advice from your dermatologist or skin care specialist rather than just guessing. If you have a lot of acne scarring then there are some special camouflage make-ups available nowadays. This can be great for concealing scarring and is also made for those with problem skin.

One of the main things to remember when you are using makeup for acne is to make sure that you skin is very clean and that you use a variety of cleansers that are good for skin with acne. You should also make sure that when you take off the makeup you are very careful to make sure that you have taken all of it off. It is very important to make sure that the skin is clear of all makeup so that the pores are clear and do not get clogged up.

One of the most useful types of makeup when you have acne is concealer. This is very good for covering up blemishes and also works well on scarring. You need to take care when applying this as it is the basis of your makeup and is a vital ingredient in allowing you to camouflage the acne well. Don't use too thick a layer but just make sure that it is even so that it can work well. You also need to apply a foundation to give your skin a natural appearance to cover the fact that you have been using the concealer to cover your acne and not make it so obvious.

Acne and makeup are very well suited to each other despite what some people think, you just to have make sure that you look after the skin by keeping it clean and ensuring that you get it all off afterwards. It can make the skin seem to be a lot clearer and this can give the sufferer a lot more confidence but you need to make sure that buy a makeup that is suited to the condition. If you buy the right makeup and apply it well then it can make a real difference.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Clear-Skin-Solutions.com He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne and makeup tips that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Nail Care Secrets

8:56 PM

Manicures, pedicures, artificial tips, paraffin treatments, nail jewelry - the nail care industry is booming, with nail salons seemingly on every corner.

Why is this, do you suppose? There was a time when only the wealthy had regular manicures, but now it's commonplace. Whether you go to a salon weekly, or choose to buff and polish your nails at home, it's important to take care of your fingertips.

Take a look at your hands. What do they say about you? Think about what they say to others. Are your hands rough, red, irritated? Or, are they smooth and pampered?

Are your cuticles ragged? Or have you cut or pushed them back? Hot pink, French tips, or clear-coated, it's not the color you wear that matters. What really matters is the condition of your hands and nails, and you can improve the state of your nails by taking a few simple steps.

Protect your nails

Wear gloves when washing the dishes or the kitchen floor. Do not use your nails as tools. They aren't meant to scrape the price stickers off your new picture frame. Be sure to apply sunscreen all the way down to the tips of your nails. Sun damage affects nails, too.

Moisturize your nails regularly

Every time you wash your hands, you need to moisturize your hands. Keep hand cream in your purse. Have a bottle in each bathroom of your home and one at the kitchen sink.

Nails need to breath

Every so often, leave the polish out of your manicure routine. Let your nails get a little oxygen.

Do not use nail products containing formaldehyde

It?s not used in biology class anymore. Don?t use it on your nails, it?s not safe.

Gelatin really does work

You thought it was a myth when you heard it as a teenager, but it?s true. Eating gelatin helps your nails grow strong and healthy.


Water, fresh fruits and vegetables, protein from meats and fish, and vitamins (multi and E, in particular) all stimulate nail growth.

Sterilize, sterilize, sterilize

Keep your home manicure kit clean. At the salon, purchase a set from the nail technician. The salon will label it, store it, and use it just for you.

They?re inexpensive and essential to protecting yourself from fungus and communicable infections. Don?t be shy, be sure your manicurist knows that you take cleanliness seriously.


Allison Saunders is a MAC qualified Make-up Artist and the author of an amazing new course, Hollywood Makeup Secrets a step-by-step simple video system for maximizing your inner and outer beauty potential. You can learn more about Allison, and subscribe to her free newsletter by visiting:


(c)2005 HollywoodMakeupSecrets.com. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------

How to Wear Make Up and Still Look Natural (Part 1)

5:48 PM

There are some who wouldn't be caught dead in public without make up and then there are some who refuse to wear make up at all and prefer the natural look.

Some people have told me they like to let their skin breathe. Well don't worry about it! There's plenty of skin on your body, let the rest of it do the breathing! Your skin is fed from the inside and won't suffer so long as you make sure you cleanse at the end of the day.

But you can actually create a natural look using make up. That way you can have that clean fresh appearance while being able to disguise those flaws that you (and probably only you!) dislike.

So let's have a basic lesson on how to apply make up to create a fresh natural look.

Natural make up techniques

We'll look at base (foundation), concealer, powder and blush this time and in part 2 go on to how to apply make up for the eyes and mouth.

In the case of applying make up the term less is more definitely applies! If your going to enjoy a big night out on the town that's different - use your bright eye shadow, lippie and glittery mascara. You can put on a bit more foundation too, to create a flawless palate on which to paint your masterpiece!

But during the day whether you're at work, at home or hitting the shops you don't want to look like Coco the clown! Too much makeup can actually appear very ageing.

So let's start with a really clean face. For daytime use a moisturizing sunscreen or sun block. If your skin is oily use a non oily one, if it's very dry use both moisturizer and sun block.

Make up base (or foundation) comes in many types, liquid, stick, cream etc. Mostly this is a matter of preference although the stick or solid base usually has a better coverage and will hide things like broken veins almost completely. The liquid bases have a lighter coverage and will give a more natural look.

If your skin is oily, the dry compact bases work well, or opt for an oil free liquid one. Dry skins like the cream bases which give a moist 'dewy' appearance.

Make sure the base you choose matches the colour of your skin as closely as possible. Don't try and create a darker sun tanned look with your base, there are bronzing powders specially created for this. Go outside the store when selecting different colours and make sure they look ok in natural light. It's best to test on your jaw line rather your wrist.

Don't buy pre-packaged make-up bases from the supermarket, you'll not be able to try them on!

Concealers are great for that natural look, you can cover blemishes and broken veins with a concealer without having to use a heavy base all over your face.

Concealers also come in different forms but they all do the same job. You can buy them with built in sunscreen and also with anti bacterial additives if you like. Try to find one just slightly lighter than your skin tone. Pat the concealer onto the area you wish to cover. Don't rub hard or it will disappear into your pores. Make sure it is blended well and has no tide marks.

Now dot the base onto your face. Use the sheerest one you can. Don't use too much at first, you can always add more.

Blend really well. Some make up artists recommend a damp sponge, but fingers work just as well. Make sure you blend into the hairline, sides of face, around the nose and particularly the jaw line. Don't just stop at the jaw, your face will look like a mask. Just blend away to nothing before your throat, that way you won't get make-up stains on your collar.

Powder is optional but I like to use it as it sets your make-up and absorbs excess oil. Press the powder onto your face with a puff or you may prefer to use a powder brush. After a couple of minutes brush the powder off using light downward strokes.

Next apply blusher. Brush this lightly on the apple of your cheeks and up towards the temples. Don't put too much on your brush, you can always go over it again. If you are using a cream blusher, apply this before powder. Dot onto the apple of your cheeks and blend in up to the temples. Blend really well!

Now for my special tip. Place a cool damp (not wet) face washer over your face and press very gently. this will give the whole face a fresh look - Gorgeous!

Copyright 2005 Wendy Owen

Wendy Owen is a health researcher and author. For advice on absolutely natural skin care visit http://www.just-natural-skincare.com

Toxic Ingredients in Cosmetics and Skin Care Products

2:34 PM

Have you ever examined the ingredients listed on the labels of your cosmetics or other skin care products? Do you know what those ingredients are?

What you may not realize is that many of the skin care products and cosmetics you are buying contain ingredients that are not only harmful to your skin, but also to your long term health. Many of these ingredients are known carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) and are used by the cosmetic industry simply because they are cheap!

Harmful Ingredients Commonly Found in Skin Care Products and Cosmetics - The following are just some of the synthetic chemicals that have been identified by scientific studies to be harmful to our health.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate (ALS) - Often described as being derived from coconut to disguise their toxic nature, these chemicals are commonly used in shampoos, toothpaste, foaming facial and body cleansers and bubble bath. SLS and ALS can cause severe skin irritation, and are easily absorbed into the body, building up in the brain, heart, lungs and liver, leading to potential long term health problems. SLS and ALS may also cause cataracts, and prevent children's eyes from developing properly.

Paraben Preservatives - Parabens are widely used in cosmetics, deodorants, skin care and baby products to prolong their shelf life. They are known to be highly toxic and have caused rashes and allergic reactions. Recent scientific studies in the UK found a strong link between the use of parabens and the increasing rate of breast cancer in women. Researchers found a high concentration of parabens in 90% of breast tumors tested.

Propylene Glycol - Found in many beauty creams, cosmetics and cleansers, Propylene Glycol can cause skin rashes and contact dermatitis, and has been shown to cause damage to the kidneys and liver.

Isopropyl Alcohol - Alcohol is used as a solvent in many skin care products. It causes skin irritation and strips the skin of its natural acid mantle, promoting the growth of bacteria, moulds and viruses. It may also cause premature ageing of skin.

DEA (Diethanolamine), TEA (Triethanolamine) and MEA (Monoethanolamine) - These substances are harsh solvents and detergents that are used in cosmetics and face and body creams as an emollient. They can cause allergic reactions, and long term use of DEA-based products (such as Cocamide DEA) have been linked to an increase in the incidence of liver and kidney cancer.

Aluminum - A common ingredient in antiperspirants, aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's Disease.

Mineral Oil - Derived from petroleum (crude oil), mineral oil is commonly found as a main ingredient of face and body creams and cosmetics. Baby oil is 100% mineral oil! It coats the skin like a plastic film, clogging pores and stopping the skin from eliminating toxins, which can lead to acne and other skin disorders. Other petroleum based ingredients include paraffin wax, paraffin oil and petrolatum.

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) - Used as a thickener in skin care products and cosmetics, PEGs interfere with the skin's natural moisture balance, causing an increase in ageing and leaving the skin vulnerable to bacteria.

Talc - Talc is a soft mineral used in talcum powders and cosmetic powders. Scientific studies have shown that routine application of talcum powder to the genital area is linked with a three-to-fourfold increase in the development of ovarian cancer. Inhaling cosmetic powders containing talc may also be harmful to long term health.

How To Avoid These Toxins - Examine the labels of your cosmetics and skin care products carefully, and learn to recognize ingredients that are harmful to your skin and to your health. Many web sites have lists of potentially harmful ingredients in addition to those shown above (e.g. Environmental Working Group).

Don't be fooled by the words 'natural' or 'organic' on the front of the label. Many products contain at least one or two natural or organic ingredients, but they may also contain harmful synthetic chemicals as well.

Whenever possible, choose products with 100% natural ingredients such as essential oils and herbs. Your skin will love you for it!

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How To Highlight Your Best Features

2:40 PM

Accentuate the Positive:

Beautiful features come in all shapes and sizes. Gorgeous eyes, pouty lips, sculpted cheekbones, artfully arched brows, a flawless complexion. You may not have them all ? hardly anyone has them ALL. But chances are, you?ve got at least one? one really gorgeous facial asset that's the envy of your friends. So, are you making the most of what you?ve got?

Lips? full, pouty, inviting lips.

If you?ve got them, you?re blessed. Make them as kissable as possible. Lip balm with sunscreen is a must. On no make-up days and even under your lipstick. Use a lip balm/moisturizer after you remove your lipstick at the end of the day.

Lipstick and liner should be checked and reapplied every few hours to ensure that all eyes are on your best features for the right reasons. Gloss makes those lips even more tempting.

Eyes? the window to the soul.

How about dressing up your baby blues, your doe-eyes or your emerald beauties?

Eye shadow should complement your complexion, not match your sandals. Have a make-up professional sample different colors on you.

Choose a color combination for day and a separate one for nights out on the town. Two or three shadow colors give your eyelids dimension.

Waterproof mascara is great at weddings and graduations, but not for everyday. It dries out your lashes and causes them to fall out. Don't touch your eyes or rub them.

This causes wrinkles and introduces bacteria. Give some attention to your brows once a week. Always use a makeup remover made for your eyes, wiping gently with a cotton ball.

Cheeks? we all have cheekbones.

Using a good quality, large make-up brush - not the little, cute one that comes with your blusher - is the key to applying blush. Smile at yourself in the mirror. Rest the brush lightly on the ?apple? of the cheek and gently sweep the brush back toward the temple.

Voila, gorgeous cheeks.

Beautiful skin? if you?ve got it, flaunt it.

If your skin is clear and even-toned, you already have what the rest of us are trying to achieve with foundation. Consider using a tinted moisturizer instead.

Or, go natural - forget the foundation during daylight hours.

Foundation is made to cover imperfections. Okay, it does help keep your other makeup in place, but if you can get away with not wearing it most of the time, you should. The rest of us aspire to that freedom. Go on and give us some hope.

Your unique features make you who you are. Show off what you?ve got.

Be the most beautiful you.


Allison Saunders is a MAC qualified Make-up Artist and the author of an amazing new course, Hollywood Makeup Secrets a step-by-step simple video system for maximizing your inner and outer beauty potential. You can learn more about Allison, and subscribe to her free newsletter by visiting:


(c)2005 HollywoodMakeupSecrets.com. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------

Effective Makeup and Beauty Tips and Products: Do's and Dont's Avoid These Most Common Mistakes!

1:09 AM

With the amount of importance given to make-up these days, many women just tend to do a bit too much. Getting the right make-up for the particular occasion is the call of the entire womanhood. But beauty shouldn't be misinterpreted as just by carrying a beautiful face. A overall healthy body reflects eternal beauty which one should be longing for. The idea is to look younger and FEEL YOUNGER.

Here are some precious makeup Do's and Dont's which one should know very well before applying make-up.

* Find the formula that meets your skin's needs and your lifestyle. Though, it isn't that hard also to get it right. Generally, we apply make-up in a hurry and we tend to ignore this vital part.

* Women generally don't wash their brushes as they are always busy applying their makeup.(Hey, Nothing against women :-), relax!). Brushes should be washed properly and allowed to be dried naturally.

* Special care should be taken, while applying and even after applying lipstick. Don't stain your teeth with lipstick. It really looks gross!

* Never use your mascara more than twice. It will definitely look clogged.

* Last but not the least, don't forget to take off all the make-up from your face once you go to bed specially from and near your eyes.

Jasdeep: for http://weightloss-health.com/ your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get more informative skin care tips related to various skin related issues at Anti Aging Skin Care(Tips) Treatment and Products

Natural Mineral Makeup is the Savvy Women's Winter Sun Protection

2:11 AM

The holidays are here, that means sleding, tubing, skiing, building snow men, and snowball fights with frineds and family. Many people forget to wear sunscreen this time of year because it's not the hot days of summer. But going without sunscreen in a snow covered environment is in many ways worse than no protection in the mid summer sun.

The fact is that snow reflects light in a blinding fashion. If you've ever walked through snow and had to shade your eyes from the glare of the snow then you know what I mean. That light is also hitting your unprotected skin and causing sun damage. The glare from the snow is usually many more times magnifined then the sun is on it's own. This means the damage to your skin could be greater in the winter than in the summer.

Using sun protection in the winter is for this reason very important. Using water proof sun protection like Mineral Makeup is a great alternative for winter use. Because the natural minerals in the makeup are water resistant and bond to the skin they won't wash away, smear or melt when you sweat or when rain or snow lands on your face. In fact, mineral makeup is so effective that it takes some amount of soap to really remove mineral makeup. Water alone won't remove it completely.

The two primary ingredients in mineral makeup - Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide are natural full spectrum UV sun blockers which gives you complete coverage from the damaging rays of the sun glaring off the snow. Titanium Dioxide is also the second most reflective mineral in the world, next only to diamond. This reflective quality gives your face a radiant glow that many faithful mineral makeup fans rave about.

Mineral Makeup also helps fight acne by keeping bacteria feeding moisture out of the pores. The minerals are also non organic, which further prevents them feeding bacteria. And not to worry about the minerals clogging pores. They are so finely ground that they are smaller than the pores on your face, in fact they come in a powder form that you simply dust on your face for a light natural coverage. Because the minerals are in powder form they blend seamlessly into the skin for a very natural look.

If you're health conscious then you will love mineral makeup because it is all natural with no dyes, chemicals, or preservatives. These qualites make mineral makeup one of your best sun fighting winter friends.

Look fabulous this holiday season with our Natural Mineral Makeup Complete 9 Piece Starter Kit...

Makeup Artist's Secrets: Face Shape Makeup Tips

2:42 AM

We all don?t have the ?perfect? facial structure. That?s why we need face shape makeup tips. These tips will help each of us apply makeup to bring out our best features and minimize the ones that we don?t like so much. So, whatever your question is about your facial shape or facial features, we?ve got a makeup tip to help you.

The Tools

First, it?s important to realize what tools you?ll be using. We?ll make use of color correcting correctors. Light color correctors can dramatically change your appearance. For instance, mauve or light pink corrector can brighten and conceal dull skin tones. Pale green is used to correct ruddiness. Light yellow corrects under eye circles and other purplish/blue discolorations.

These light colors can help improve facial features by lengthening, filling out and brightening skin. Dark colors will reduce, deepen, darken and conceal features and discolorations. Using a mixture of light and dark correctors (foundations) you can create almost any illusion you like.

The key is to blend, blend, blend. If you are using any corrector, whether it?s a color or a foundation that is darker or lighter than what you usually wear, always remember to apply with a light hand and blend well. The light foundation corrector should be only 1 or 2 shades lighter and the dark foundation corrector should be no more than 2 shades darker than your usual color.

Face Shape Makeup Tips

Find your face shape makeup tips below.

  • Oval: This is the ?ideal? facial shape. With the use of dark and light correctors every facial shape can be made to resemble an oval facial shape. Oval faces can need darker foundation applied at the forehead and chin to make it less severely oval.

  • Trapezoidal: This facial shape requires refining the lower part of the face with a darker corrector while also using a light corrector at the temple. This will bring the face in, making it more narrow and longer.

  • Rectangular or Square: Correct both of these shapes with darker foundation at the four corners. This redefines the corners into more of a curve, giving it a whole new dimension.

  • Triangular: The triangular face needs darker foundation at the chin, making it appear shorter, and at the temples, bringing the focus towards the middle of the face. Using light foundation along the jawline will give it more balance and depth.

  • Round: Round faces need only a little darker foundation applied at the temples and around the lower face. This will make it appear a little more elongated.

    Balancing Your Features

    Face shape makeup tips also include your facial features. If you?ve got a feature you?re not too fond of, like your nose or chin, playing with light and dark correctors can help you adjust how they look. We?ll give you the makeup artist?s tips on how to do this.

  • Prominent Chin: Correct this by applying a little darker foundation right on the tip of your chin, and blend well.

  • Double Chin: If you have a double chin, blend a darker foundation right on the double chin.

  • Long Nose: Think your nose is too long? Apply dark foundation right on the tip and blend well to make it appear shorter.

  • Broad Nose: Broad noses are easily adjusted with dark foundation applied down each side of the nose.
  • Short Nose: Short noses need a light application of light foundation along the whole top of the nose. This will give it a less defined edge and help it to appear less short.
  • Narrow Nose: Widen a narrow nose by applying a light foundation down each side of the nose.
  • Crooked Nose: A crooked nose is the hardest. Apply dark foundation on the crooked side to minimize it, and then apply light foundation on the opposite side.

    These tips will help you achieve a balance to your features. Face shape makeup tips are some of the most useful tips you can have. With them you can look your very best while still looking like you.

  • Lynn Starner is the proprietor of Beauty Bliss Mineral Cosmetics at http://www.beautyblisscosmetics.com as well as http://www.ultimate-skin-care-tips.com

How To Make Your Eyes Irrisistible

12:51 AM

The Eyes Have It

Remember the dreamy eyes of your first love? Who can resist a beautiful set of eyes? Your eyes are one of your

most important features. Do you treat them like the treasures they are? Even if your eyes are not 'to die for', you can make them truly memorable.

Eye Care. Do you care for them the way you should?

Sunscreen on your lids? Sunglasses? Carefully cleaned and stored contact lenses? Makeup remover made expressly for eyes? Adequate sleep? These aren't merely suggestions. They're requirements for stunning eyes.

Eye Color. Do you take the time to make up your eyes every day.

Take a minute to add some extra color and your whole face will light up.

Medium and dark complexions can?t go wrong with universal earth tones.

Going to work? Apply brown tones on the lower lids, highlight with a light taupe at the inner corners, sweeping up and outward to the brow bones.

Going out on the town? Add a complementary bronze or deep gold to your outer lid, gently swept from the middle of the eyelash line to the corner of the eyes. Fair faced women should use lighter colors as their basic palette.

Conservative? Use two colors for day - apply medium-gray or mushroom all over the lids to the brow bones, and from the middle of the lash line outward with a coordinating lighter shade from the same family. At night, add a shimmering gold dust overcoating.

Eyelashes and Eyebrows

Let?s talk mascara. Brown is becoming ever more popular because it complements all iris colors. It works on everyone, as does the standard black. And even though it's available, avoid blue and green tinted mascara, unless it matches your ultra-colorful dye job. Waterproof mascara is really not for everyday, unless you're especially weepy. A water-soluble mascara leaves your lashes in healthier condition, and healthy is beautiful.

No one has the perfect arch without a little help from tweezers or a lot of help from a stylist. All eyebrows need taming, whether it?s tweezing to remove one stray hair or an all-out waxing at the salon. Tweezing is cheap, which is great. And you don?t need an appointment. Oh, and if you use tweezers...

Did you know that some estheticians (that?s a highly trained skincare professional) will create a template for you to use when tweezing? If you want to deal with your brows on a less frequent basis, investigate having your eyebrows waxed at a reputable salon. It hurts, but many women feel the irritation is worth the gorgeous results.

Eyeglasses. Wear them if you need them?

Of course.

They're not just an accessory of necessity. Carefully chosen spectacles look great and can draw deserved attention to your eyes. Just think how smart they make you look. And smart is always in style!


Allison Saunders is a MAC qualified Make-up Artist and the author of an amazing new course, Hollywood Makeup Secrets a step-by-step simple video system for maximizing your inner and outer beauty potential. You can learn more about Allison, and subscribe to her free newsletter by visiting:


(c)2005 HollywoodMakeupSecrets.com. All rights reserved. ----------------------------------------------------------

Sun Smarts: How to Safeguard Your Skin This Summer

9:36 PM

Like many abusive relationships, America?s love affair with the sun is littered with the wrecks of romantic images. From Coco Chanel?s Deauville glow to Farah Fawcett?s sun-kissed skin, bronzed beauty was de rigueur for generations?until scientists in the 1980s exposed it as a destructive trend with irreversible, DNA-altering effects.

?Photodamage and skin cancer can, in part, be attributed to the belief that tans are fashionable,? says Dr. Andrea Lynn Cambio, a New York?based dermatologist and fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. Equally insidious is ?the notion that having a tan is being healthy,? notes Dr. Alison Ehrlich, director of clinical research and assistant dermatology professor at George Washington University. The fact is, a ?healthy? glow is anything but; it?s the visible manifestation of skin damage.

Light Trap
Today some Americans are still lost in a tan warp, but most are aware of the sun?s dangers, including burning, premature aging, and skin cancer. Sunscreen sales are at an all-time high, but so too are rates of UV-related illnesses. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the United States each year. The depleting ozone layer, earlier detection, and the aging population have all been cited as factors, but many dermatologists believe the greatest culprit is human behavior?the fact that people aren?t adequately protecting themselves.

?Many people believe the myth that sunscreen allows them to stay outside all day without accumulating sun damage,? says Dr. Susan Sweeney, fellow of pediatric dermatology and dermatologic surgery at UMass Memorial Health Center. Although it?s important to wear sunscreen, she also stresses that these products offer just one layer of defense. Moreover?and contrary to what?s often printed on product labels?dermatologists emphasize that there?s no such thing as ?sunblock.? And similarly, no sunscreen is capable of guaranteeing all-day protection; even a sweat- or water-resistant formula must be applied repeatedly over the course of the day.

Equally unsettling is the fact that most people select a sunscreen based solely on its SPF (sun-protection factor)?a number that only tells part of the story. According to Sweeney, ?SPF refers only to protection from UVB light? (the wavelengths that are primarily responsible for sunburn). Although scientists once believed that UVB was the sole wavelength to blame for long-term skin damage, studies have now shown that UVA is also a dangerous carcinogen.

Saving Your Skin
There?s no safe haven from the sun (even daylight in indoor spaces can be harmful). But with a little diligence and a preventative plan, you can take significant steps toward safeguarding your skin.
Broaden your horizons: ?Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with both UVB and UVA protection, an SPF of 15 or higher, and ingredients such as titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, which scatter and absorb UV light,? Cambio suggests. According to Sweeney, sunscreens that contain avobenzone (Parsol 1789), such as Jan Marini Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant SPF 30, may also be helpful in protecting against UVA rays.
An ounce of prevention: All too often, people don?t apply enough sunscreen for the product to be effective, or they opt to spot-protect just their faces or shoulders. Sweeney recommends using at least a full ounce of sunscreen to cover the entire body.
Make it a habit: ?Many people remember to wear sunscreen at the beach, but they should be wearing it every day,? says Sweeney. For best results, incorporate it into your morning routine.
Over and over: Because sunscreen loses its efficacy throughout the day, it must be smeared on again and again. ?Apply it 30 minutes prior to exposure, then reapply every two to four hours,? says Ehrlich.
Run for cover: Clothing, hats, and sunglasses are potential lifesavers outdoors, Ehrlich explains. If you?ll be outside for an extended period of time, Cambio suggests seeking out shady areas.
Watch the clock: The best way to screen out the sun is to circumvent it, especially during peak exposure times (from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.). When possible, Cambio recommends avoiding the midday sun.

Safer Screening
Today's sunscreens are giving women what they want?greaseless, broad-spectrum protection in clever, convenient packages. In some cases, they?re even doing double duty as moisturizer, foundation, or lip gloss.

For lightweight, full-body coverage, try Phytomer Og?nAge Protective Anti-Aging Cream Sunscreen SPF 30, Hampton Sun SPF 30 Lotion, or Clinique UV Response Cream SPF 50. For faces, look for vitamin-rich formulas that moisturize and protect, such as Cellex-C Sun Care SPF 30, MD Formulations Total Protector SPF 30, or Clinique Super City Block Oil-Free Daily Face Protector SPF 40. To protect the delicate skin around the eyes, try a specially formulated sunscreen such as Carita Paris Eye Control Suncare SPF 15 or Clarins Sun Wrinkle Control Eye Contour Care; for lips, BeneFit and Kiehl?s each offer SPF moisturizing lip balms in sheer and tinted formulas. And for a safe sun-kissed look, self-tanners such as Biotherm Sunfitness Protective Self-Tanner Tinted Cream SPF 15 impart an instant-gratification glow, while DuWop Revolution Tinted Body Moisturizer with Shimmer SPF 15 offers both UV protection and a hint of sparkle.

Tara Mattarazzo is the editor-in-chief of Beauty Addict Magazine http://beautyaddictmag.com For more articles on beauty, hair care, skin care, makeup, fashion, shopping, fitness, women's health, and more, visit Beauty Addict Magazine at: http://beautyaddictmag.com/

Building A Bridge: Cosmetic Surgery and Micropigmentation

2:19 AM

There are many reasons women and men want to change or alter their physical appearance. Aging, illness and accidents are a few of the circumstantial reasons, but regardless of the circumstances the most common motivation is the desire for increased confidence and satisfaction with one?s look. One way to add vibrancy to your facial features and to regain some of your color and appeal is to invest in micropigmentation or permanent makeup procedures. Micropigmentation can increase definition of the eyes, lips and eyebrows and this definition lights up the face so you appear more present and more attractive.

Like plastic and cosmetic surgery, permanent makeup has often been misunderstood and degraded. The media has sensationalized occurrences of allergic reactions and poor technique and rarely reported on the wonderful results a majority of micropigmentation clients receive. Don?t get me wrong, there are risks and a trained, ethical practitioner will inform you of all of the potential problems involved and will take the time to assist you in making a decision that is in your best interests.

The Importance of Understanding Cosmetic Surgery

As the American Academy of Micropigmentation (AAM) and the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP) have created new standards and certification processes the industry of micropigmentation has become more respected every year as a profession and as an art. Plastic surgeons agree it takes talent and experience to complete permanent makeup procedures that work. Cosmetic surgery and micropigmentation are both costly and time consuming to correct when procedures have been done poorly or by an untrained hand.

While researching the topic of micropigmentation online you will find that the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and even the University of Pennsylvania Health System?s Department of Plastic Surgery all recommend micropigmentation or permanent makeup as an option. It is often considered a complimentary procedure that has a number of advantages.

At www.surgery.org the ASAPS discusses how micropigmentation can help recreate the areola around the nipple or to restore the color of skin where natural pigmentation has been lost. Permanent makeup can also help visually correct eye and lip shape when they less than ideal.

Dixie Medford, President of the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, and an experienced professional, states in her article Permanent Makeup A Modern Look At An Ancient Art that ?Women aren?t going to tattoo parlors to get permanent makeup. Instead they are visiting their local salon or medical office.? ?More and more physicians, nurses and licensed estheticians,? she continues, ?are adding Intradermal Pigmentation, otherwise referred to as Permanent Cosmetics, to their menu of services.? Dixie Medford, also discusses the importance of permanent makeup practitioners knowing their clients and understanding the implications of plastic surgery procedures in her article Waking Up With Makeup Could Be A Nightmare.

She states the following, ?The technician needs to be aware of when and how to do eyebrows on plastic surgery patients that are considering or having brow lift surgery or Botox injections.? ?It is important,? Medford continues, ?to be aware of the impact of aging skin and the changes that will occur in the brow shape.? She goes on to say; ?Plastic surgery and aging are also factors to consider when performing eyeliner?.The permanent cosmetic technician must take additional consideration when working on post surgical clients.?

Micropigmentation as an Alternative

Permanent makeup works well as a complimentary procedure for patients seeking plastic surgery, however, it can also be considered an alternative to particular procedures. The same effects created by a surgical brow lift or collagen injections into the lips can sometimes be achieved through micropigmentation. There are many reasons a patient should not choose to have plastic surgery. Often these reasons are associated with physical or mental health problems. A good cosmetic surgeon will be certain their potential patient is physically able to handle a surgery and to heal well. They will make sure the potential patient is in a healthy frame of mind and has a positive perspective on the procedure since this too can affect the healing process and outcome of the surgery.

For these patients micropigmentation may be a less intense and risky procedure. Also, if a patient has experienced problems after a facelift, micropigmentation can help to correct drooping eyelids and other issues so the client can avoid additional expensive corrective surgery.

Dawn Willard?s extensive career in the fine and applied arts has included lettering, illustrations and photo and film styling. Twenty-three years as a photo and film stylist taught Dawn and array of artistic skills, one being makeup. Ms. Willard?s foray into permanent makeup began in 1996. She currently owns the Permanent Makeup Studio in Asheville North Carolina. She has explored a variety of techniques and has clients coming to her from Illinois, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, New Hampshire, New Mexico and numerous towns in western and central North Carolina. She can be reached at http://www.DawnColors.com or starjump@gmail.com.

Cautious Use of Eye Makeup Cheers up Your Appearance Tips from the Experts

1:35 AM

Eyes speak volumes, giving you individuality; however, a little eye makeup can just do wonders ? empowering your twin gazers to spell their magic over everything. People belonging to ancient civilizations were sensible enough to recognize the importance of cosmetics and engaged in elaborate eye makeup.

The tradition continues even today and the modern beauties deem eye make up as the best way to heighten physical attractiveness. Hence, no matter what color or shape your eyes are, clever usage of eye make up can turn them to beauty assets, giving them greater depth and meaning.

How to get on with your eye make up?

Usage of eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara in keeping with essential beauty tips completes the makeup for your eyes, unless and until you have dark circles under you eyes. You may hide your dark circles with a few dots of concealer.

Eye Shadow

Available in a beautiful array of powders, creams and glittery dustings, eye shadows highlight and define the eyes by creating depth. Natural shades that go well with your skin tone will enhance your looks and add to your individuality. Therefore, select earthy tones such as beige, brown, gold or plum. Apply dark colored shadow on your eyelids if you have large eyes; this will make the eyes appear small. Using lighter color helps give eyes a larger effect.


Give your eyes the real definition by applying a thin line of eyeliner. The line should be as close to the lash line as possible. If you want a heavy make up, you may go for a darker and thicker line. Going by standard beauty tips, you should stick to natural colors such as black or brown or else give in to your imagination. Pencil, liquid eyeliners are available in various colors.

To achieve the best definition, line both the lower and upper lid. Line the upper lid from the inside corner to the outside corner; for the lower lid draw a line just under the lashes.


Mascara gives you a majestic gaze by framing your eyes in beautiful flaps of thick, dark, long eyelashes. Again, black and brown are hot favorites in mascara. Generally, two coats of mascara are applied; however, you will be required to give the first coating a little drying up time before you go ahead with the final finish.

Makeup is no less than art and so is eye makeup. The secret to success with this art is not overdoing. A valuable beauty tip for you would be ? Indulge in eye makeup to the degree that it keeps the natural beauty of your eyes intact, giving them more glitter, expression and life.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research and clynical analysis. He is an alumni of Cornell University and specializes in biochemical synthesis for public, private, and governmental interests and manufactures various skin peels and other for doctors offices and medispas. He can be reached at M.D. Wholesale: http://www.bestskinpeel.com

Tips For Buying Makeup For Acne Scars

10:37 PM

Acne or any other type of skin condition can leave marks even after the condition has been cured.

Many adults retain scars from acne breakouts during their teen years and feel marked for life.

If you are one of these individuals plagued by unsightly reminders of your past blemishes, do not fear?there are many excellent types of makeup for acne scars on the market.

The first thing you should look for in any type of blemish cover up is one free of oils or chemicals that could cause additional breakouts.

Check for products that tout noncomedogenic or non-pore clogging properties.

These products will ensure any makeup for acne scars will not add to any skin problems that may exist.

If you are interested in purchasing makeup for acne scars , contact your dermatologist.

He or she will be able to inform you of the options on the market that will best fit your complexion.

If you are currently having problems with blemishes or break outs, your dermatologist will also be able to supply you with cosmetics that will work towards clearing up your skin in addition to covering your unsightly marks.

There are a variety of companies that produce cosmetics that are free from chemicals or dyes and use only natural ingredients.

Visit your local department store or drug store for the best Cosmetics Options

If you are tired of trying to cover up the scars left from past blemishes, there are more permanent options available.

One popular treatment is laser resurfacing, which is usually performed by a dermatologist. In this treatment, the top layer of skin?the damaged layer?is removed using a laser.

The laser also tightens the middle layer of skin, which results in a smooth, even complexion. Recovery takes approximately three to ten days.

Another popular treatment is microdermabrasion.

This treatment involves an instrument that wears down the top layer of skin.

These instruments are often embedded with tiny diamond chips and spins rapidly.

Recovery often takes ten days to three weeks, but the process results in smooth skin.

This treatment is the best for individuals with more serious scarring.

'Discover more and information and treatment regarding acne and skin treatments', find more at Acne Treatment Coverup .

Applying Makeup and Skin Conditioners

6:14 PM

We all want to look our best before we head out the door, but we sometimes find ourselves running behind schedule and having only a few short minutes to apply our makeup. Well, here are a few quick steps that will have you ready in just minutes.

Applying the skin conditioner should be the very first thing you do before applying makeup. If you know you are running late, apply the conditioner or moisturizer before you begin to get dressed. You should not apply your makeup until the conditioner has been on for about 10 minutes. This gives the conditioner time to soak into your skin and help keep your skin fresh and moisturized. So, if you do this step before getting dressed, you will have time to apply your makeup without the wait.

Now, you are ready to apply the foundation. Use a large sponge and blend the foundation over your face and neck in an upward and outward motion, never in toward your nose.

Next, is the blush, you can use a cr?me blush or a powder blush. Apply with the same motions up and out and accent your cheekbones.

Eye shadow is next. Lightly apply the eye shadow from the inner part of your eye outward. Now, apply the eyeliner. Just lightly start on your upper eyelid and move outward. Do the same for your lower eyelid. Mascara is next. Try to get as close as you can to the end of your eyelashes without poking your eye and move the tip outward. An easier way to apply mascara is to open and shut your eye while holding the mascara in place. Detailed makeup application - http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/beauty/Makeup.htm

Now apply a small amount of lipstick. Be sure you are using a moisturizing kind, especially if you tend to have dry chapped lips.

Now, you are ready to go. Applying makeup is not hard. The major mistakes women make is in the products that they purchase. They usually choose the wrong colors for their skin tone.

Try to match your skin tone when you purchase foundation. If you use a darker foundation your face and neck will have a tanned look while the rest of your neck, ears and body are still pale.

For blush and lipsticks, there is a basic rule to remember blondes should use pink colors, brunettes should use peach and if you are a red head you should always use bronze.

Alicia Caldelas for http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com ? Your ultimate resource to makeup and beauty tips. Get lots of homemade beauty ideas here.

Catch our Beauty Blog! - http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com/blog/ If you wish to reproduce the above article, you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.

Catty Eyes Are The Statement This Season!

2:09 AM

It?s a catty kind of season with dramatic cat eyes entering this season front and center. If you?ve check the catwalk, no pun intended, this season ?catty is certainly in. Gucci, Sass & Bride gave cat eyes a whole new meaning. Estee Lauder is calling the look the ?new Cleopatra.? Very retro and certain to make a statement as this look has great impact!

You?re a gal who has confidence in her style and you want to be ?in? with this seasons ?cat eyes.? How do you accomplish this futuristic feline look at home?

First make sure you have a black eyeliner pencil in your make up repertoire . Maybelline Cool Effect is an eyeliner eye shadow combination, Cover Girl has there eyeslicks gel eyecolors, and Estee Lauder has the Softsmudge Black. There are plenty of other good ones on the market.

Apply foundation, make sure it?s flawlessly applied and then highlight temples and cheekbones ever so slightly. Add light lip color ? remember your eyes are the focus.

Cover under the eye with concealer. This will prevent smudging.

Define your eyes with a light shadow covering the entire lid, blend softly up to the brow bone ? soft grey, cream, beige, off white, taupe, soft pink, soft lavender all work great.

Work a deep dark shade into the contour to define, then blend along the crease

Next apply a your black eyeliner nice and thick along the lash line. Draw the bottom line thick and up towards the ear.

To open the eye up you can line inside the lash line with a white pencil Or for every day wear draw thin lines using a soft gray shadow or pencil

Add mascara and if you wish a touch of sparkle and your done. Pretty simple!

Make Your Fashion Statement!

Sher from Estate Jewelry International have been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

Makeup for Acne Scars Hiding as You Heal

2:29 AM

Acne is a pernicious and upsetting condition, and most sufferers long for the day when their skin is clear of it. But many acne patients achieve clear skin only to find themselves left with a disappointing aftermath ? acne scars. While many scars will fade significantly with time, most patients will want to begin enjoying their improved skin immediately. Thankfully, there is great makeup for acne scars available that can balance the appearance of your skin, giving you the bright and clear complexion that you have waited so long to achieve. There is a wide variety of specialist makeup for acne scars available, but many people will find that ordinary makeup, applied correctly, will do the job just as well.

If you have had a history of bad skin, it is always wise to select light, non-greasy make up products ? there are a huge variety of foundations and powders available for sensitive skins, and many medicated varieties, should you feel your skin still needs a little extra help in keeping clear. Remember that your scars will lighten as time passes, but if dark scars are making you feel particularly self-conscious then there is a good selection of speciality make up for acne scars available that can also be used to cover other types of scars and birthmarks. If you would like some first hand tips on minimising the appearance of your scars, then treat yourself to a makeover at one of your local drug stores make up counters. The professionals will show you how to use their products to best compliment your own skin.

If you feel that using makeup for your acne scars is simply not enough, then there are ways of getting rid of acne scars. Dermabrasion is a popular treatment among former acne sufferers, and can help reduce the appearance of pitted scars significantly. The procedure involves the light scraping of the top most layer of skin, and while it can be effective, the process will initially result in skin that appears very raw. Skin needs especially delicate treatment after this procedure and most doctors will advise against even the use of camouflage makeup after dermabrasion. This can be upsetting for many patients who have already spent too much time with bad skin, so before signing up for the procedure be sure that is worth the possibility of getting rid of your acne scars. Make up for acne scars can be just as effective.

Find out more about Acne Skin Care Products as well as Acne and acne cures and adult acne treatments at Peter?s website, Acne All Gone.

Choosing and Applying Makeup Foundation A Simple Step by Step Guide

10:32 PM

Makeup foundation is the secret to whether your makeup will look good or not.

Foundation helps to smooth out your skin tone, conceal blemishes and gives you a healthier glow. Applying makeup without a foundation base can actually accentuate unsightly skin problems, rather than conceal them. Choosing and applying foundation should be a simple procedure, but there are pitfalls. Here is an easy step by step guide to choosing and applying foundation.

Step 1. Decide what foundation coverage and finish you prefer.

Decide what type of look you would like to achieve. Foundations can offer coverage from sheer to heavy and finishes that range from matte to satin. Degree of coverage and type of finish is very much a personal choice.

Step 2. Choose the right shade

Once you have chosen the ideal formulation (coverage and finish) for you, you're ready to choose the perfect shade to match your skin tone. There is a good selection of foundation shades available from the lightest of shades for pale skin through to shades for the darkest skin tones. Here's how to select the perfect shade for you.

How to select the perfect shade

? Ensure you're in natural daylight when trying out foundation colours, so you can see exactly how your skin will look once you leave the shop.

? Select a couple of shades which look as though they'll match your skin.

? Don't try foundation on your hand or on your wrist- they're a different colour to your face.

? Stroke a little colour onto your jaw line to ensure you get a tone that will blend with your neck as well as your face. The shade that seems to disappear into your skin is the right one for you.

Tip: Bear in mind you may need a slightly darker shade of foundation for summer when your face will naturally tan.

Step 3. Moisturise

Begin with clean hands and a clean face. Apply the moisturiser appropriate to your skin type. Let your skin moisturiser for a few minutes, particularly if your skin is oily. Applying foundation to freshly moisturised skin ensures you have a perfect base with which to work. Apply foundation 10 minutes after moisturising. If you don't allow the moisturiser to absorb into the skin, your foundation could come off.

Step 4 Apply concealer

Camouflage any under-eye circles and facial blemishes with concealer. Your concealer should be a slightly lighter tone than your foundation.

Step 5 Apply foundation

When applying foundation use a cosmetic sponge - using your fingertips can result in an uneven, greasy finish. Dampen the sponge first squeezing out the excess moisture - this will make foundation application easier and prevent the sponge from soaking up too much foundation. Place a small amount of foundation on the back of one hand. Dip your makeup sponge into it. Apply foundation by dotting it on your forehead, cheeks, chin and nose and then blend each one with your sponge. Blend out to your hair and jaw line until the foundation vanishes. Pay special attention to blending around the nose, mouth and jaw line. When applying foundation, slightly rubbing toward the neck area helps create less of a line around the face!

Tip: Be sure to blend, blend, and blend. Special areas to watch are the hair and jaw line. And be sure that your face isn't one color and your neck another.

Tip: When putting on foundation, always do it in a bright room or by a window. This way, you can see what hasn't been blended-in properly.

Tip: Many companies have added sunscreens to their foundations, so they'll protect you from the ageing effects of the sun while you wear them. Look out for the words UV protection and Sun Protection Factor (SPF) numbers on the tube or bottle.

Step 6 Set the foundation with powder

This is an optional step that you may find beneficial. A light brushing of powder on your foundation sets the foundations making it longer lasting. If oil surfaces during the day, blot the area with a tissue then apply a light dusting of powder. Always apply powder to set make-up and reapply throughout the day to prevent shine.

Tip: The light dusting of powder also helps with eye shadow application and also makes the eye shadow longer lasting.

Important! If you want a tanned look, don't use a darker foundation, use a bronzer.

Donna Kelly's passionate interest in beauty and makeup began as a young girl experimenting in front of the mirror with mom's cosmetics - while she was out of course. It was inevitable that Donna would go on to formally train as a makeup artist and eventually launch her own brand of high quality makeup and skin care products. As a business women and mom with 2 children Donna understands the time pressures on women today and through this, and other articles, has endeavored to take the complexity and mystique out of feeling good and looking great with some busy women friendly beauty tips and advice. If you would like to read more of Donna's articles check out her website: Colours & Scents.

Need to Look Your Best in a Hurry? Tips for a Quick and Polished Look!

5:57 PM

Need to look your best in a hurry? Start with your face: it?s your ?canvas.?

Two ways to improve your appearance quickly are to get the glow of healthy skin and then create a polished look.

Have a little extra time the night before your event? Eliminate the buildup of dead surface cells that dull skin with a mask or microdermabrasion (use the right products for your skin type and special needs). Replenish moisture lost during the super-cleansing by hydrating your skin thoroughly. Define fuzzy lines, like your eyebrows, by shaping them to complement your face.

On the day of your event, cleanse, freshen (or tone), and moisturize your face and eye areas; foundation and makeup go on more smoothly and evenly over well-hydrated skin. Since the eye areas don't produce their own moisture, use an eye cream; it?s specially formulated for that delicate skin. Moisturizers for the face tend to have humectants which can puff up the skin around the eyes.

Foundation and powder: Apply concealer, if necessary, and foundation. Then finish your face with powder. Powder ?sets? the foundation so it lasts longer with less need for touch ups.

Eye primer: Put on eye primer or dust powder over your eyelids. Both provide a base for eye color so the color goes on evenly and stays in place longer without creasing and smudging.

Eye color: The simplest approach to eye color is to apply a neutral or soft shade (from the upper lashes to the brows) which will enhance or ?pop? another color placed over it. Almost as easy is another technique using two colors. Follow the eye primer with a single color from lash to brow. Then apply a second stronger (or darker) color over the lids and into the creases to complement the shape of your eyes. If you?re getting ready for an evening event, be more dramatic than for an event during the day.

Eye liner: Line the eyes if it enhances them, staying close to the lash lines.

Mascara: To make your eye lashes appear thicker and longer, start with the wand close to the eyes and then wiggle the wand back and forth as you move it away from your eyes. To really ?open? your eyes, use an eyelash curler.

Eyebrows: A simple and natural way to emphasize the eyebrows is to brush them with a matching shade of eye color and then set the color with a gel. The gel also helps emphasize and maintain the shape of your brows.

Cheek color: For your cheek color, either smile and apply blush to the apples of your cheeks or sweep it up along your cheek bones starting two fingers away from your nose and stopping at your temples. Then blend the color gently.

Lip liner, lipstick, lip gloss: If color 'bleeding' is a problem, run a lip outliner pencil along the outer edges of your lips. Define your lips with a lip liner, fill in color with a lipstick and polish with gloss.

You're done ... your canvas is now a ?work of art!?

? Copyright 2005. Charlotte Maddox. All rights reserved.

Charlotte is an experienced independent beauty consultant with Mary Kay Inc.

Register on Charlotte's Mary Kay Inc. web site to receive a monthly email newsletter, Beaut-e-News(tm), with tips & techniques and a seasonal mailing of the The Look catalog with free samples plus the latest in skin care and color looks (complete privacy ensured).
