Fall Warms and Cools

1:43 PM

Choosing the right cosmetic colors can dramatically affect how you look, how you feel, and how others perceive you. Color is a very powerful thing; physically as well as psychologically. That being the case, it?s a good idea to make sure your fall colors are up to date. Appropriate selections can make you look fresh and vibrant. The wrong colors can make you look tired or even appear older! Traditional fall colors can be very exciting - shimmering golds, burnt oranges, bronzes, and ?bricky? reds?but keep in mind that these colors are not meant for everyone. The fall magazines are starting to hit the shelves now, and everyone is excited to see the new trends. Keep in mind that, just because something is trendy does not mean that it is the most flattering choice for everyone. This doesn?t mean you can?t have fun with your makeup, just choose the colors that are best for you. Remember that your skin tone, eye color, and hair color may be quite different from those of the cover model on your favorite magazine. Choose carefully.

Reds, oranges, yellows, and browns are considered warm colors, with purples, blues, and greens being considered cool tones. Sound simple? It can be. But just because you think you are a cooler tone does not mean that you can?t wear red lipstick. Try to find one that has more of a true red or blue undertone. If you are on the warmer side but you love green, look for one that has a strong yellow undertone, as opposed to a blue undertone. There is a multitude of choices and combinations; almost every color has variations that include warm and cool tones. Try not to limit yourself when shopping. There is definitely something for everyone.

Determining whether you are a warm or cool tone can be challenging at first. A simple way to get a feel for it is to try things on and experiment. If you?re in the area, visit our store and play with the testers; see what is the most flattering. What colors you are wearing when you get the most compliments? What colors do you feel the most confident in? If you have trouble being objective (as most of us do), why not book an appointment with a makeup artist? Another set of well-trained eyes is always helpful. The makeup artist will help you pick out the best colors for your unique skin tone, keep you up on the latest products and trends!

Jennifer Cinnani works as a Makeup Artist for Scott Miller ? a salon, spa, and store in Rochester, NY (http://www.scottmillerstyle.com).The beauty industry and makeup in particular have always been Jennifer?s passions, and she has extensive experience with several cosmetic lines including Bobbi Brown, NARS, Stila, Face Stockholm, Amazing Cosmetics, SkinCeuticals, and more.

Beauty Routine

11:49 PM

1. I never ever ever go to bed with my makeup on, even if I have been out partying and had one too many. If you do, you will wake up the next morning, not only with a possible hangover, but with gunged, screwed up, dirty eyes that need loads of tlc. (tender loving care) So you must develop your own bedtime routine.

2. I try to get a good nights sleep as this, in my opinion, is the best beauty treatment you can have. And it's free. As we go through life this is not always possible with all the stresses and tensions that modern day living has brought to us. But as I said, I try.

3. In the morning I have a cup of tea, if I feel particularly virtuous I'll have a cup of green tea, ugh, and then get up to face the day.

4. Before I have a shower I tie my hair up and clean my teeth while waiting for the water to get hot.

5. After my shower I cleanse my face with one of those new style wipes and they are brilliant.

6. I spritz my face with a water spray then moisturise. I would not miss this for the world because moisturiser holds the water in your skin and helps keep your skin hydrated.

7. Next. Wow but Next. I always, without fail, use a TOTAL sunblock. My daughter says I look too pale but, if you don't want a pale face, the answer is to use either a brown cheek shadow, blusher or an artificial sun colorant.

8. Let the cream dry thoroughly before applying your makeup. This is a pain but necessary or your skin will be too greasy.

Then I have my two minute plan.

9. Take a large soft brush, like a shaving brush, and the dust your face with mineral powder make up. This is the best make up I have ever used for a day time make up. You can add extra if you want a more made up look for evening or if you want to conceal blemishes.

10. Then with a flat eye shadow brush and using a basic beige powder shadow I brush all over my lids, fading it out the closer to the brows I get. I normally accentuate the creases of my eyelids for a slightly more dramatic look with a darker shade.

11. Then a quick lick of mascara (brown) a touch of lip gloss and I'm off. I promise you that this quick beauty routine is all you need to have a beautiful look that will keep in all day and not look overmade up or take forever to apply.

Why waste your valuable time doing all that heavy smuck?

P.S. I only ever buy moisturiser and face creams from the local supermarket, because in my opinion, unless you have a problem skin that may need specialist treatment, the designer products are over priced, often celebrity endorsed and offer little value for money.

Copyright 2006 Jaks Lloyd

Jaks Lloyd, former photographic fashion model, is the author of the above article which appears in her definitive website http://www.eyebeautytips.com The Ultimate Cutting Edge in Eye Beauty.

A Dozen Don'ts To Look Younger

7:43 PM

Tired of always being told you have to do more and spend more too look younger? How would you like to do less and spend less yet look younger? Well now it's possible. All you have to do is avoid these 12 most common beauty mistakes made by women over forty and you will look younger, healthier, and more attractive.

1.Don?t use foundation that's lighter then your skin color. You will look pale, washed out and unhealthy.

2.Don't use powder foundation it tends to collect in creases and make wrinkles more prominent

3.Don't use frosted eye shadow, because its frosted particles settle into lid lines accentuating wrinkles.

4.Don't use iridescent eye shadow it attracts light and draws attention to lines.

5.Don't use brown eye shadows they tend to age the face and create a tired appearance.

6.Don't use black eyeliner it is to harsh and will emphasize any fine lines around the eyes.

7.Don't use overly light under eye concealer this will illuminate any imperfections and lines in the under eye area.

8.Don't over pluck your eyebrows; a very fine brow gives your face an aged look. .

9.Don't use too pale, too dark, or too bright color cosmetics. Anything bold, unnatural, and overpowering on the face makes it appear older and unattractive.

10.Don't apply your blusher too high or too low. If you want to create a natural, younger lift look to your face never apply blush any lower than the bottom of your nose or any higher up than the outside corner of the eye.

11.Don't apply your makeup too heavy because as the skin ages it starts to lose its firmness. Heavily applied makeup tends to slide into and accentuate lines and furrows.

12.Don't over exaggerate your lip line it will look phony even clown like.

Eileen Hammel is a Nationally & Internationally Recognized Image, Style and Beauty Expert Ms.Hammel is President of Smarter Image and Smart Skin Care - Smart Cosmetics by Smarter Image http://www.smartskincaresmartcosmetics.com/